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DIY Virtual Marketing is an educational platform for anyone looking to build, expand, and grow a business online.

Some people refer to virtual marketing as digital marketing or online marketing. These terms describe the same marketing techniques of promoting brands, products, or services without physical presence, face-to-face.

Hence, Virtual Marketing is the practice of using digital strategies to communicate and connect with potential customers.

Today, virtual marketing is the lifeblood of all businesses.

Operating a startup, a non-profit, or a mom-and-pop store, you can’t afford to hire a self-proclaim digital marketing guru.

So, you decide to take control and do virtual marketing yourself.

Welcome, to DIY Virtual Marketing.

We create this platform for you.

If you’re willing to put in the effort, we can show you the right path to DIY Virtual Marketing. You can visit our Resources Center to explore the methods and techniques for your DIY virtual marketing. You can learn email marketing, social media marketing, digital paid advertisements, search engine optimization, Google AdWords, and more.